'Documentary which explores the life of internet activist Aaron Swartz,
and the circumstances that led to his early death. It traces how tech
wunderkind Swartz engaged in pioneering work from an early age, helping
to devise several groundbreaking computer systems. But it was his work
in social justice and political organising, combined with his aggressive
approach to information access, that placed him on a collision course
with the US government. It ensnared him in a two-year legal nightmare - a
battle which ended with his suicide at the age of 26.
Aaron's story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online
communities, in which he was a celebrity. Through personal archive,
testimonies from his family and world leaders in the computing field,
the film paints a portrait of an exceptional young man, and explores the
tragedy of how Swartz became a victim of the rights and freedoms for
which he stood'.
Available on BBC iPlayer until 1st March 2015. Click here: