Monday, 24 October 2016

Open Access Week (24th - 30th October 2016)

This year’s theme of 'Open in Action' is all about taking concrete steps to open up research and scholarship and encouraging others to do the same.  Steps include the following:

Make a list of open access journals in your discipline you would consider publishing in and share it with colleagues.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology

'The Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology (OAJFP) is a professional, peer-reviewed journal created by for forensic psychologists.  The OAJFP is free to anyone with Internet access. Our mission is to link the science and practice of forensic psychology by making research and applications directly, and freely available to all forensic psychologists.  

The editorial board holds high standards for the quality of our publications. To maintain these standards, all manuscripts are subjected to double-blind peer review'.

Recent articles include:

Oddie, S. (2015). An evidence-Informed service model for the prevention and management of suicide and self-harm in a medium secure unit for male mentally disordered offenders. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 7, 21-55.

Jacks, W., & Adler, J. R. (2015). A proposed typology of online hate crime. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 7, 64-89.

Click here to access:!blank-2/qjvls







Monday, 27 June 2016

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

All Scientific Papers to be Free by 2020 Under EU Proposals

'All publicly funded scientific papers published in Europe could be made free to access by 2020, under a “life-changing” reform ordered by the European Union’s science chief, Carlos Moedas.'

Read the full article from The Guardian here:

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

BJPsych Open - Available Online

 British Journal of Psychiatry Open
BJPsych Open is a high-quality, online-only open access journal for the publication of all methodologically sound research in psychiatry and disciplines related to mental health.

It adds to the Royal College of Psychiatrists' family of journals and maintains the highest scientific, peer-review, and ethical standards of The British Journal of Psychiatry. It provides a more flexible format, free from the page limits and space restrictions of a printed journal, so it benefits from being able to publish a wider range of article types.

The current table of contents is available here: